Teen Eye Makeup Tips

Let this young reader’s question to our Ask the Expert page teach you a few teen eye makeup tips.

Reader Question

I am a 14 yrs old and I really need some tips to help me look beautiful. Do you have any makeup tips that help you look good without using a lot of makeup?

Thank you so much!

Expert Reply

At your age, the most you should be wearing is a little lip gloss! If there is a special occasion like a wedding or a dance, then go ahead and try a little blush and a bit of eyeshadow because this will help you look better in any photos. When this is the case, use shades that are very close to your own unique coloring. For example, try dusting your entire face with a loose powder that is either “translucent” or a shade close to your skin. That will give you an even canvas to start with and won’t look caked on or overdone.

Next, apply blush in a soft peach or rose to the apples of your cheeks. Use shimmery pink eyeshadow over your entire lid and top off with dark brown or black mascara being careful to only use enough to coat the lashes, not clump them. Lastly, apply lip gloss in a sheer pink, natural rose or nude. For a little more information on applying makeup for someone of your age, pick up Bobbi Brown’s “Teenage Beauty.” Then remember, you are already beautiful – makeup only further enhances how lovely you already are!

Reader Question

My name is Kayla and I have a question. I have been wearing makeup for 2 years and I am 12 years old, but I just don’t know how to apply it and make it look pretty. Everyone says that I wear 10 pounds of makeup. How do I apply makeup and make it look natural and pretty without looking like I’m wearing a lot of it?

Expert Reply

Let me be so bold to say that at your age, the most you should be wearing is a little lip gloss! Kiddo, if people are making comments about how much makeup you wear, then you may want to listen. If there is a special occasion like a wedding or a dance, then by all means, wear a little blush, mascara and even a bit of eyeshadow because this will help you look better in any photos that might be taken. When this is the case, use shades that are very close to your own unique coloring.

For example, as I’m sure you have beautiful skin as a mere 12 years old, try dusting your entire face with a loose powder that is either “translucent” or a shade close to your skin. That will give you an even canvas to start with and won’t look caked on or overdone. The powder will also eliminate any shine that you may have.

Next, apply blush in a soft peach or rose to the apples of your cheeks. Use shimmery pink eye shadow over your entire lid and top off with dark brown or black mascara, being careful to only use enough to coat the lashes, not clump them. Lastly, apply lip gloss in a sheer pink, natural rose or nude. Don’t worry, as the years go on you’ll have enough opportunity to paint your lovely face! For a little more information on applying makeup for someone of your age, pick up Bobbi Brown’s “Teenage Beauty.”

Reader Question

I’m a 16 year old and well… I’m not new to make-up but I want to create some cat eyes but don’t know how. I was wondering if you can tell me how?

Expert Reply

Start with a light base eyeshadow in cream, apricot or eggshell, depending on your skin tone and eye color. Next, take a darker shade, like plum, dark brown, gray, and apply in the crease, bringing the darker color around the corner of your eyes.

Next, choose an eyeliner, liquid or gel work very nicely for the “feline” effect. Line the roots of your upper lashes first. Start about three quarters the way toward the inner corner and sweep the line toward the outer corner thickening the line as you move out. Extend the line as far as you feel is necessary toward that outer corner. You can stop there and add mascara or you can line the bottom lashes as well just make sure you stop before the area where you have extended the top line as to avoid the “Cleopatra” look. You can also blend these two lines using a dark eye shadow in brown, gray or black for a “smokier” effect.

Reader Question

Hi,I have dark, dark brown eyes that almost look black. I’m Hispanic and for eye shadow I use gold or a yellowish color. I usually use black eyeliner pencil. I guess I’m kinda good at it but my eyeliner always smears even though it is waterproof. It always runs down my eyes then I have to put it on again. Is there some advice you can give about all these things? Should I keep putting on that color of eye shadow or use a different color? By the way, I am 13 years old.

Expert Reply

For starters, I bet at your age, you don’t need that much eyeliner at all! Here’s an idea–why don’t you try using apricot or champagne eye shadow for the base with a deep brown or plum for the crease. Blend. Try only lining the top of your lashes using a dark brown pencil, bringing the line slightly out at the corners. Now take a very fine brush and some dark brown or black eye shadow and blend that line. Finish off the bottom and top lashes with black mascara. If you think you still need some color underneath, use the fine brush and the dark eye shadow to line the bottom lashes and blend, NOT eyeliner. It’s a softer look. Also, take some pressed powder and swipe under your eyes which sets your makeup and helps with all that running.

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